Currrently a new form of Scam is sent in the name of “Parsec”.
In the last month, it has become very common that YouTuber’s are getting targeted with scam. Currently, mails in the name of “Parsec” are going around. You get an email, which concludes that you may become an affiliate. If you respond, you will get an offer mail like that:
The amount of money is very high, which should make us suspicious immediately. The mail contains a download link, with some instructions how to start the software. The software download is an .exe file.
If you unzip the file and start it in Windows, your system will most likely be compromised. The main problem is, that most antivirus solutions do not yet recognize the software. During my first test, only one of the scanners from found anything.
Update: one day later
Now three vendors flag the file as malicious.