Unzip all ZIP files in one folder with 7zip

Unzip many ZIP files in one go with 7zip.

Unzip many small ZIP files in one go. All ZIP files are in one directory:

First of all, we need to have 7zip installed. Then we open a command prompt in the directory. To do this, we simply type “cmd” in the address bar in Explorer and press Enter.

A command prompt opens, in which we enter the following command:

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e *.zip

Then the files are unpacked (in the same folder).


  1. Thank you. This was very useful.
    The only suggestion I would make is zip files often contain a file like readme.txt or install.exe which is common to all the zip files. I am currently unpacking multiple music sample collections which have this “feature”. Some mention of the overwrite or rename options might be helpful.

    1. Here is an example that might work as batch file:

      @echo off
      cd /d “%~dp0″

      set sevenZipPath=”C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe”
      set extractBasePath=”%~dp0\extracted”

      if not exist %extractBasePath% mkdir %extractBasePath%

      for %%i in (*.zip) do (
      set zipName=%%~ni
      set extractPath=%extractBasePath%\%zipName%
      if not exist %extractPath% mkdir %extractPath%
      %sevenZipPath% e “%%i” -o%extractPath% -y

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