OneDrive: Processing changes does not finish

Processing changes does not finish in OneDrive. How to reset the OneDrive client.

What to do if OneDrive always shows “X changes are being processed?

After I had thoroughly cleaned out my OneDrive drive, I had the problem with my Microsoft Surface that although all files were correctly synchronized and cleaned out, the synchronization was still running and “6 changes are being processed” was displayed. I let it run for a few days without any improvement.


Locate OneDrive.exe

In the first step, we need to locate the OneDrive program folder. OneDrive might be installed in different locations, depending on how it was installed. Manually or via download.

Open the start menu and enter “OneDrive”. Click “Open file location”.

This will open the shortcut location in the start menu folder. Right-click on the “OneDrive” shortcut and select “Properties”.

In the properties, copy the folder in the target text box. Copy the folder without the .exe part.

Now open the explorer and paste the path in it. After hitting enter, this will open the installation folder with the OneDrive executable.

Now enter “cmd” in the address bar.

This will open the folder in the Windows terminal or command line. To reset the client enter “OneDrive /reset”. The client will reset. Depending on the amount of data this will take some time. After that the problem should be gone.

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