MiniTool ShadowMaker: Windows PE Restore Screen resolution to small

Erroneous display when booting from recovery stick with MiniTool ShadowMaker.

Anyone who suffers a data loss and has to start a recovery does not want to bother with side issues. Unfortunately, this occasionally seems to be the case with the MiniTool ShadowMaker. A bootable USB stick can be created for restoring the entire system, which can then be used to restore the backup.

In practice there is problem, so the software opened like this after booting:

The user interface is larger than the resolution allows and the recovery fails because we cannot click the button.

The solution in this case is to press the keys “ALT + Space”. This opens a menu and here we can select “Maximize.

This adapts the application to the screen size or resolution, so that the display is at least practicable to the extent that we can reach the buttons.

The problems go a bit further, other dialogs are also too large, e.g. within the recovery. Here the approach does not work, because the window cannot be maximized. However, the windows can be moved and resized with the mouse. Thus, the window can be resized to the correct size.


  1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
    My mouse pad stooped working on my new ASUS laptop. They erased the disc in service. Why?
    Thankfully I had a backup just in case.
    I got the resolution problem, but you saved me!
    This should be on Minitools website of course.

    Thank you. Bless you.

  2. This fix does not work anymore, the mouse cannot change the height. Either this is bad development, or maybe it is changed somehow when you bye a license. If so, they should considder telling people instead, so one should not waste a half day on their lousy app 🙁

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